: +91 9160294441

: info@alphores.org

Alphores High School


+91 9160294441

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Mother gives Priceless Birth, Trees give Pleasant Shade, Education caters us the Prominent Life…..This feature of Education is indomitably screened by ALPHORES HIGH SCHOOL under the Most Illustrious & Ingenious Academician Dr. V. Narender Reddy garu, the Prolific Administrator in the service of Education for the unconquerable 29 Years. Sir has set its preamble in 1991 for the value based education emphasizing the academics and co-curricular activities with the significant approach to make the students more prospective and progressive in all the aspects.

ALPHORES HIGH SCHOOL – THE UNIQUE WITH THE ELEVATED STRATEGY tirelessly debits its efforts to ignite the minds of the students to make them accomplish very feasibly & admirably. It would be revered to state that since its inception it is setting the finest records very exceptionally in Academics & Co-Curricular Activities. The plans & programs are chalked out in such away to meet the challenges of the challenging world. It is designed very innovatively to witness the change the people are expecting. Parents are with great content as their children are offered the fruitful results and content by the faculty who are with adroitness and dynamism.

Our Vision

ALPHORES HIGH SCHOOL eternally recognizes that EDUCATION is the vital element that paves the way for the best environment wherein beauty of success can be experienced and spread to establish the admirable. It is indispensable to assert that our concern in this competitive generation is absolute. It trusts that EDUCATION should be inculcated amiably and joyfully so that the community taking up it would be proximate towards the featured traits. This is characterized in the school with certainty and integrity.

It can be opined that the foremost plans are structured to structure the minds of the student elite to make their success journey more flexible and feasible. The records depict that our school is towards the platform to install the best traits in the minds of the students. It should be fabricated very recognizably that the management in the school is all set with well set methodologies to ensure that they will be marked very meritorious and potent

Our Mission